Aug 22, 2022

TicWatch Pro - my new smart watch

Long ago I saw this watch "TicWatch Pro", I was hesitant to buy smart watches because their battery life and thinking that whats the use of buying a smart watch "Its just gonna just show Time", Now in 2022 I purchased latest version, I am quite impressed by TicWatch Pro features. 


  1. Dual layerd display - old digital style mode and smart mode
  2. Upto 30 days battery life in essential mode
  3. Sleep Tracker
  4. Physical exercise tracker
  5. GPS
  6. Wi-Fi
  7. Bluetooth - recieve and dial phone calls from watch (futuristic)
  8. Heart rate meter
  9. Phone Notifications (I like this feature most)
  10. Waterproof

To speed up the watch, custom wear OS rom can be installed, here's xda guide

Here's the review posted by random youtuber: