For issue solving purpose frequently I take backups of live SQL database to our development server,
at start I was using the wizard in the SQL management studio to take database backups,
I wanted to do all those things with single click,
I came accross this gr8 blog post,
I modded the script to automatically backup source database(@sourcedatabaseName) and restore it into destination database(@databaseName):
You can download the .sql file of the script: RestoreDatabase.sql
at start I was using the wizard in the SQL management studio to take database backups,
I wanted to do all those things with single click,
I came accross this gr8 blog post,
I modded the script to automatically backup source database(@sourcedatabaseName) and restore it into destination database(@databaseName):
----------------------------------------------------------------- -- ***** Restore Database Script - Mod by Nitin Sawant ***** -- -- Modify only three variables: -- 1. @sourcedatabaseName -- 2. @databaseName -- 3. @restoreDirectory -- -- initial version: ----------------------------------------------------------------- use master go declare @backupFileName varchar(100), @restoreDirectory varchar(100), @databaseDataFilename varchar(100), @databaseLogFilename varchar(100), @databaseDataFile varchar(100), @databaseLogFile varchar(100), @databaseName varchar(100), @execSql nvarchar(1000), @sourcedatabaseName nvarchar(1000) ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set the name of the database to restore set @sourcedatabaseName = 'LIVE_DB'--Source database name set @databaseName = 'TESTING_DB'--Destination database name set @restoreDirectory = 'D:\' -- such as 'c:\temp\', the directory where the .bak of source DB will be created ----------------------------------------------------------------- --Take a Fresh DB backup DECLARE @Dt DATETIME SET @Dt = GETDATE() DECLARE @BkAddress NVARCHAR(1000) --the database name and today's date set @backupFileName = @restoreDirectory + @sourcedatabaseName + '_'+DATENAME ( day , @Dt )+''+LEFT(DATENAME ( month , @Dt ),3)+''+DATENAME ( year , @Dt )+''+REPLACE(RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR, GETDATE(), 100),7),':','.')+'-'+DATENAME ( s , @Dt )+'.bak' PRINT 'Creating backup of the database at:' + @BkAddress EXEC('Backup Database '+@sourcedatabaseName+' To Disk ='''+ @backupFileName+'''') -- Get the data file and its path select @databaseDataFile = rtrim([Name]), @databaseDataFilename = rtrim([Filename]) from master.dbo.sysaltfiles as files inner join master.dbo.sysfilegroups as groups on files.groupID = groups.groupID where DBID = ( select dbid from master.dbo.sysdatabases where [Name] = @databaseName ) -- Get the log file and its path select @databaseLogFile = rtrim([Name]), @databaseLogFilename = rtrim([Filename]) from master.dbo.sysaltfiles as files where DBID = ( select dbid from master.dbo.sysdatabases where [Name] = @databaseName ) and groupID = 0 print 'Killing active connections to the "' + @databaseName + '" database' -- Create the sql to kill the active database connections set @execSql = '' select @execSql = @execSql + 'kill ' + convert(char(10), spid) + ' ' from master.dbo.sysprocesses where db_name(dbid) = @databaseName and DBID <> 0 and spid <> @@spid exec (@execSql) print 'Restoring "' + @databaseName + '" database from "' + @backupFileName + '" with ' print ' data file "' + @databaseDataFile + '" located at "' + @databaseDataFilename + '"' print ' log file "' + @databaseLogFile + '" located at "' + @databaseLogFilename + '"' set @execSql = ' restore database [' + @databaseName + '] from disk = ''' + @backupFileName + ''' with file = 1, move ''' + @databaseDataFile + ''' to ' + '''' + @databaseDataFilename + ''', move ''' + @databaseLogFile + ''' to ' + '''' + @databaseLogFilename + ''', norewind, nounload, replace' exec sp_executesql @execSql exec('use ' + @databaseName) go -- If needed, restore the database user associated with the database /* exec sp_revokedbaccess 'myDBUser' go exec sp_grantdbaccess 'myDBUser', 'myDBUser' go exec sp_addrolemember 'db_owner', 'myDBUser' go use master go */Please note that this script works only if the two databases are hosted on same server.
You can download the .sql file of the script: RestoreDatabase.sql