Mar 16, 2015

C# Parse JSON into dynamic object

Parse JSON into dynamic object using Newtonsoft JSON library:
JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(strText)) { DateParseHandling = DateParseHandling.None };
dynamic jsonObj = JObject.Load(jsonReader);

Mar 6, 2015

Electric Appliance Automation - An IoT Project using Windows Azure

I have started working on application Internet of things home automation using Windows Azure

In this article we’ll have look at controlling home appliances remotely over HTTP using a small API toolset we’ll create using ASP.NET web api. On top of that we’ll push the current device status to the client in real time with SignalR(windows service hosted)

We will Control following home appliances through windows service:
1. FAN - on/off, Speed adjust
2. Lights - on/off
3. Air Conditioner - on/off, Temperature Control
4. Speakers – on/off, Play/Pause/Stop song